In March 14, 2017, Fengshen Tire Co. Ltd. announced that the price of all series of bias engineering tire ex factory price increase of 8% based on the current price since the beginning of March 15. On the same day, Wanli Tire Co.Ltd. announced the increasement of 8% for the company's all steel tire of all brands product based on the March 20.
  Xiamen Haiyan ZhengXin Tire Co. Ltd. announced that prices of the (ZhengXin + Yixin) TBS product rose 6% since April 1. The company said that as raw material prices continue to rise and remain high stage, costs of production is high, which is considering a gradual prices adjustment .
  In March 11, Guizhou Forward Tire Sales Co.Ltd. announced that they will increase products  pricesince March 20 .
  In March 15, Zhongce Rubber Group released a notice, since March 16, they will adjust the products price base on the price of March 1.They said that they will once again raise tire products price in April 1 according the factors of market, cost and others. 